Power School Information Page
We see communication among parents, students, and teachers as a cornerstone to academic success. We use PowerSchool, a database of student information. PowerSchool is a web-based application used for state reporting, grade posting, report cards, attendance, student emergency contact information and other activities. We offer a feature of PowerSchool called Parent Access to the parents/guardians of our students. In grades 6-12, Parent Access includes access to grades, attendance, teacher comments, posted assignments, and fee transactions.
How to Gain Access
Internet access is needed to access the site. If you do not have access in your own home, the town library computers can be used and we can also make arrangements for you to use a school computer.
To gain access to the public portal, please copy the language below from our Internet Policy into an email and email it to Kathy Leonardi to signify acceptance of the policy. Please include each child's name and school in the email. Once your acceptance has been received an account will be set up and the username and temporary password will be sent to you.
Important Note About Logging Out of PowerSchool
Please use the logout function in PowerSchool after each use. This will ensure that you are ending your session correctly. Closing the PowerSchool window will not end your session.